Tuesday 2 September 2008

When will it end Lord?

Let us not then be disturbed, neither dismayed, when trials befall us. For if the gold refiner sees how long he ought to leave the piece of gold in the furnace, and when he ought to draw it out, and does not allow it to remain in the fire until it is destroyed and burnt up: much more does God understand this, and when He sees that we have become more pure, He releases us from our trials so that we may not be overthrown and cast down by the multiplication of our evils. Let us then not be repining, or faint-hearted, when some unexpected thing befalls us; but let us suffer Him who knows these things accurately, to prove our hearts by fire as long as He pleases: for He does this for a useful purpose and with a view to the profit of those who are tried.
— from "Homily on the Paralytic Let Down Through the Roof," by Chrysostom (c.347–407)

1 comment:

oncewasblind said...

I dig this quote!
thanks for commenting on my blog!
always good to hear from other youthworkers around the world :)
god bless